Ceramic vs Glass vs Plastic Bonsai Pots (Why Ceramic is Better)
Bonsai is an art form; creating a miniaturized tree in a very beautiful way. Bonsai takes a lot of patience and has been around for hundreds of years (possibly even longer even), and presentation is often the apex of the artform. Growing a bonsai tree can take a lot of practice and learning in order to be able to properly trim, water, fertilize, and place it for year round growth and relaxation.
Bonsai Pots
When choosing a bonsai pot, you should be looking at the capacity of the pot. Depending on the size of the fully grown bonsai tree, you’ll need to consider what size of pot you will need for it. A larger tree is obviously going to end up needing a larger root system and a large pot, while the inverse is true for smaller trees.

Next you may need to consider the design of a bonsai pot, which will further help you narrow down the material you wish to use for a bonsai pot. Bonsai plants are by the most part both masculine and feminine in their genome, but often there is a dominant sex for a bonsai tree. Consider the design of the bonsai pot to highlight the masculine or feminine traits of your bonsai tree. Feminine trees will want more smooth lines and complementary colors in the design, whereas a masculine tree will likely want more straight lines and grounded looks. You can tell a tree is more feminine if it tends towards having more blooms or flowers, and masculine trees are craggier.
Materials for Bonsai Pots
Each material type for a bonsai pot has their pros and cons. Generally speaking, most believe that ceramic bonsai pots are the better version to choose, but it is all up to personal style and the beauty you want to showcase.
Plastic bonsai pots are going to be the cheapest option for you when you are choosing a bonsai pot, but that comes at a cost of often being the least decorative option. Many starting out will use a plastic bonsai pot when initially training a tree, and once it is established, switch to a ceramic bonsai pot. Plastic bonsai pots are fairly resistant to freezing and can hold up over many years and are very durable to dropping (if you get a thick plastic). Thin plastic pots however can shatter easily, and sunlight can weaken plastic to the point of flaking or breaking.
Glass bonsai pots are not too commonplace, especially see through pots. They are moderately resistant to freezing, as long as there isn’t too much ice build up. They are also prone to breaking, especially if any chips start forming, and this can quickly lead to a shatter.
Ceramic is one of the most durable options you can have for a bonsai pot, especially glazed ones. You can get glazed ceramic bonsai pots in a variety of colors, shapes and designs, and they hold up well to freezing and outdoor life (but should still bring in, in weather well below freezing). They are also of a heavy construction, so very durable and the longest lasting pot type if taken care of. They can tend to be more expensive at certain retailers, but are still highly affordable for your plant. They can chip, but are far less likely to shatter if that does happen.
If you are looking for high quality bonsai pots for your new bonsai tree, visit the website storefront of Leaves & Soul.
Click here to learn more.